
5 Critical B2B Landing Page Mistakes to Avoid in 2023

Michael Freburg
August 16, 2023
9 minutes

Let's have a heart-to-heart about your landing pages. We get it, crafting a landing page that converts isn't always a walk in the park. As tech marketers ourselves, we've seen the landscape shift and change. But even with all the experience we've racked up, it's surprisingly easy to stumble into common traps. In this article, we're going to delve into the top 5 missteps that, trust us, you'll want to sidestep when it comes to creating B2B landing pages in 2023.

2023 has brought about a 23% increase in B2B landing page conversion rates, showing the growing potential for lead generation (Source: ConversionXL).

However, not every page is reaping the benefits equally, and it all comes down to addressing the mistakes that could be standing in your way.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started in the B2B marketing game, these insights can be the guiding light you need to ensure your landing pages shine.

Ready? Let's dive in and see how we can steer clear of the most common B2B landing page pitfalls.

Mistake 1: Lack of Clear Value Proposition

In an age of information overload, your landing page needs to communicate its value proposition within seconds. Failure to clearly convey what sets your product or service apart can lead to a high bounce rate. Tech-savvy visitors are looking for solutions that align with their goals, so ensure your value proposition is front and center.

In 2023, studies show that 48% of B2B decision-makers consider a clear value proposition as the most important element of a landing page (Source: HubSpot).
Avoid these mistakes by:
  • Being Concise: Craft a value proposition that can be understood in a glance. Use simple language that resonates with your audience.
  • Highlighting Benefits: Focus on how your solution solves specific problems or pain points your target audience faces.
  • Visual Storytelling: Incorporate visuals, such as explainer videos or infographics, to showcase your value proposition in an engaging way.

Mistake 2: Overwhelming or Complex Designs

Simplicity is the key to engagement. As tech marketing managers, it's tempting to showcase your design prowess, but complex visuals can lead to confusion. Clean, minimalist designs not only enhance user experience but also resonate with tech professionals seeking efficiency.

According to a 2023 Adobe study, 76% of B2B buyers prefer websites with simple and straightforward designs.
Avoid these mistakes by:
  • Prioritizing Clarity: Ensure that every element on your landing page serves a clear purpose. Remove unnecessary clutter.
  • Streamlining Navigation: Opt for a clean navigation structure that guides users effortlessly to your CTA.
  • Whitespace Utilization: Embrace whitespace strategically to make your content easier to read and digest.

Mistake 3: Irrelevant or Lengthy Forms

Capturing lead information is essential, but tech-savvy prospects have limited patience for lengthy forms (see our blog post on Ghost Marketing to get our opinion on forms!). Tailor your form fields to gather essential data without overwhelming visitors. Remember, quality trumps quantity; irrelevant information can deter potential leads.

In 2023, B2B landing pages with forms containing 3 to 5 fields have seen a 35% increase in conversion rates compared to lengthier forms (Source: Unbounce).

In 2023, B2B landing pages with forms containing 3 to 5 fields have seen a 35% increase in conversion rates compared to lengthier forms (Source: Unbounce)
Avoid these mistakes by:
  • Segmenting Forms: Customize forms based on user intent. Use progressive profiling to gather more information over multiple interactions.
  • Prioritizing Key Data: Focus on collecting data that directly contributes to lead qualification and nurturing.
  • Offering Value in Exchange: Provide a compelling reason for users to fill out the form, such as access to valuable resources or exclusive content.

Mistake 4: Lack of Social Proof and Credibility

Tech decision-makers value evidence of success. Showcase your credibility through testimonials, case studies, and industry certifications. These trust-building elements validate your claims and create a sense of security, crucial for B2B conversions.

A recent survey reveals that 63% of B2B buyers are more likely to convert if a landing page includes customer testimonials and success stories (Source: TrustRadius).
Avoid these mistakes by:
  • Showcasing Real Stories: Feature authentic success stories that resonate with your target audience.
  • Diversifying Testimonials: Highlight testimonials from a range of industries and company sizes to appeal to a broader audience.
  • Leveraging Influencers: Partner with industry influencers to provide third-party validation of your offerings.

Mistake 5: Unclear Call-to-Action (CTA)

Your CTA should leave no room for ambiguity. Whether it's signing up for a demo or downloading a white paper, make your CTA concise, compelling, and action-oriented. A/B testing different CTAs can provide insights into what resonates best with your audience.

Landing pages that include a specific CTA button have been shown to generate an average conversion rate increase of 62% (Source: WordStream).
Avoid these mistakes by:
  • Using Action Language: Craft CTAs that use action verbs to inspire immediate engagement.
  • Conveying Value: Clearly communicate the benefits users will receive by clicking on the CTA.
  • Testing Variations: Experiment with different CTAs, colors, and placements to identify the most effective combinations.

As we navigate the complexities of B2B marketing for the rest of 2023 and beyond, avoiding these pitfalls can pave the way for landing page (and conversion) success. Interested in hearing more about how Mighty & True can help you develop beautiful, high-conversion landing pages? Hit us up!

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