Our Mighty & True landing page and email planner
We searched high and low
We searched high and low for the best template for our copy pros to use when devising a content and copy strategy for landing pages and emails. We either found strategy documents that worked for strategy or copy docs that worked for copy... but we couldn't find anything that worked for both. Now, in our experience, copywriters make for great strategists. They know the customer, them message and just generally have good head on their shoulders when thinking through content and how it should be organized to meet the need of the campaign goals.
So the short story is, we decided to suck it up and build one ourselves (see download link below).

The Mighty & True landing page and email planner template
Given the trouble we had finding a good source for LP and email content strategy, we thought we'd save you the trouble give you access to our highly sought after template for planning and writing these high-performance assets. You can access the template here. Simply download this drive document and make it your own. Let us know how it works out. Some instructions below:
Landing Page Planner Instructions
Tab one of the planner is the LP planning template. This sheet has everything we need to plan out and write great customer-focused email copy. Some hints on using the planner are below:
Single Goal: All our landing pages need a single goal. This is almost always the case. We want to person to convert to our next action and keeping the page centered makes this happen.
How will people get to this page? This is a great question for the copywriter. It puts them in the frame of mind of someone coming from some assumed source to this page. What are they expecting? What do they know about you already? This will greatly inform what goes on this page and what doesn't.
Value Proposition: We use the stated value proposition in row 13 to inform the H1 heading in row 20. It's a formula that aligns the main heading on the page to the value prop you want to promote.
Objections: Like the value proposition above, the objections are what we want to counter in our sub-heading (if available) on the landing page. Why not take care of objections right up front?
Other Copy: From there on out, we use the rest of the page to fill in the other content as noted. For the links, we like to put the link to the offer with any tracking or tags already on the planner link here to make it easier for our dev team.
Nav, Footer, Forms, etc: Our LP planner also serves as our primary copy document for the development team. If we include all necessary nav, footer and form elements here, we don't have to recreate it later in our development documentation. Always kill two birds with... well, you get it.
Email Planner Instructions
Like the landing page planner, our email planner also focuses on the single goal and audience, but also attempts to align messaging across multiple emails for consistency. On the first tab (MT Email Planner), the copywriter lists all the emails and their primary goals. Looking at this list will give the rest of the team as simple way to see all the email messaging in one shot. Then we can get down to planning out each email in the sequence. Some hints on how this works in each email planner:
Email Name and Goal: The email name and goal on this sheet carry over from the MT email planner sheet. No need to fill these out as they should have already been filled out when planning the series tab.
Pyramid Copy Strategy: As a general rule, we apply the pyramid copy strategy to most emails. The pyramid copy strategy is a writing technique that is commonly used in journalism and other forms of writing. It involves putting the most important information first in the content, followed by the supporting details and background information. This is designed to make any type of content more reader-friendly and to help readers quickly understand the main point or message of the article. By using the pyramid copy strategy, writers can ensure that our email is hard hitting right up front and doesn't delay in getting the most important points across fast.
Subject Lines: We like no more than 9 words for subject lines. If you can't say it in 9 words, well, try again.
Value Proposition: Like in our landing page planner, we use the value proposition as a core component in our email copy. We like it as an H2 and then also as part of the body copy. Focus on what value you are providing the reader. That's it. Get them to convert.
Buttons and CTAs: We like buttons. People like to click on buttons or video icons. In this copy, we like to also put the type of CTA design element we are including in the design so the design team can accommodate.
How we use this among our teams
We have a simple way of communicating all our SOPs to our copy and design teams in a way that everyone on the team understands. For starters, all our SOPs are detailed in our company Notion board and in our project management tool, Asana. To kick off a LP or Email project, we prepare a "creative snap" or play brief with our customer, then the copywriter downloads the planner, copies it to the correct project folder and gets to work.They will often get the customer success or design teams involved as they finalize the copy.
Once they get a draft, they pass it on to the design team to wireframe the LP or emails(s) for review. We can't tell you how easy this has been for our teams to create these assets with these simple planning documents. it takes away all the guesswork on the process and helps us scale much faster than ever before.
There you have it. Our M&T Landing Page and Email planner! If you want more of our content sent to you on a regular basis, sign up for our Drag and Drop newsletter below 👇 and get the latest tech marketing best practices, templates and tools right in your inbox!
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